You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We went to Fat Cat's Bowling Alley today.
This was the first time that Zachary would bowl by himself.
Come on strike!

Zachary looks so innocent.
Uncle Jared was suppose to be helping Zachary but as you can see he
let Zachary bowl before the pins had set. Zachary did a great job!
Dimitri was very cute! At first he used the metal rail but he realized
that the rest of us did not use it and stopped using it. So BIG!
Look at that concentration. Each time Dimitri's ball would hit the pins he would throw his arm up in the air and yell "Yay". Dimitri was so excited!

Thank you Aunt Angela and Uncle Jared for the fun afternoon.

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