You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We went to Fat Cat's Bowling Alley today.
This was the first time that Zachary would bowl by himself.
Come on strike!

Zachary looks so innocent.
Uncle Jared was suppose to be helping Zachary but as you can see he
let Zachary bowl before the pins had set. Zachary did a great job!
Dimitri was very cute! At first he used the metal rail but he realized
that the rest of us did not use it and stopped using it. So BIG!
Look at that concentration. Each time Dimitri's ball would hit the pins he would throw his arm up in the air and yell "Yay". Dimitri was so excited!

Thank you Aunt Angela and Uncle Jared for the fun afternoon.

Monday, December 28, 2009


For Family Fun Night we went to Hollywood Connection.

Everyone is getting ready to ride the bus.
Zachary was hysterical. He would act like a "tough guy" by sticking his arms up in the air but his elbows remained firm on the cross bar. It was so funny to watch! Zachary was smaller and braver then the boy behind him, if you look he is covering his eyes!
Zachary and Mommy met a new friend.
We all decided to be brave and ride the dragon.

Is Zachary making sure his Mommy is okay?
This is a great picture we got of Dimitri while the coaster was going.
Dimitri's favorite ride was the bumper cars.
Despite Dimitri's age he is an amazing golfer.
Zachary on the other hand will be an amazing hockey player!

Dimitri is getting so BIG!

Our sweet Zachary riding the dragon on the carousal.

Happy Birthday Papou...

We are sending our birthday wishes to heaven! We wish you were here to celebrate your birthday with us with cake and ice cream as we know you loved anything sweet. We miss you and love you very much! Happy Birthday Papou! Your memory will be ETERNAL! XOXOXOXO

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ice skating 101...

Dimitri and Zachary went ice skating for the 1st time.
Dimitri learning to balance on his skates.
Zachary showing Grandma he's a PRO!
Getting ready to go! Okay, let's be honest. I (Amy) do not know how to skate. Uncle Mike is in town and said he would teach the boys how to skate, so why I had to put them on I am not sure. It was a blessing we had the whole rink to ourselves because I did not feel comfortable.
The boys had a great time!
Remember she is from a hockey family, ice is in her blood!
Mommy and Zachary!

Sometimes you just need a break.
Uncle Mike and Dimitri.
~Zachary and Mommy~

~Mommy and Dimitri~

"Life gives us brief moments with another...but sometimes in
those brief moments we get memories that last a life time".

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Dinner...

We had Christmas dinner at the Sharp's house.
The boys opening their presents.
Aunt Angela and Uncle Jared bought the boys a four wheeler. Dimitri
and Zachary nearly ran over Aunt Angela running to the motorcycle.
Watch out ladies!
Yiayia getting ready to open her present.
Zachary getting ready to go.
Dimitri showing us how it's done!

Zachary is holding Bella's hand while Dimitri is holding Bella's head because Matri told him he had to hold her head...not exactly what
she meant but he tried. Cousins...gotta love them!
Baby Bella aka "squirt".
We would like to thank Leta and Rick for all the presents and for always thinking about Dimitri and Zachary. We would also like to thank Aunt Angela and Uncle Jared for the insane motorcycle, train set, rocket, etc..Thank you to the entire Sharp family for a delicious dinner and
a great Christmas.

Christmas Breakfast...

We had Christmas Breakfast at Grandma Terry and
Grandma Patty's house.

Zachary playing cars.

Mommy and Zachary.

Grandma Terry and Grandma Patty gave the boys money to put into their savings accounts and made them cute little books to keep track of each deposit they make.

Without batting an eye, Zachary looked at us and said,
"put in piggy bank".

Aunt M got each of the boys an animal key chain that lights
up and makes noise. Dimitri's got a frog.

Zachary got a cow. Moo!
All of the kids gather around for the gift exchange. Dimitri and Zachary each got robots from Sophie and Tessa.
So sweet!
Our little family.

Thank you for a delicious breakfast with all the trimmings and for the thoughtful gifts.


Santa Claus came to our house!
Our Christmas tree.
Dimitri opening his presents.
Zachary was very excited about his monster truck.
This is the "You help me open it" look.
Zachary was excited about his green car.
Uncle Justin and Aunt Kristine sent the boys Rock Band for Christmas. The boys loved it and wanted to play the drums right away. Thank you Uncle Justin and Aunt Kristine for the incredible gift! We would also like to thank Santa for emails, letters and for keeping the boys on the "nice" list. We will remind the boys they need to be good ALL year long.