You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Anything you can do...I can do...

You would be surprised the level of maturity in our little boy, Dimitri. He loves to mimic us. Dimitri brushes his teeth, asks to floss, takes showers by himself (we are still in the room, no need to panic) and now he is wearing deodorant. That's right, Dimitri would get upset when we would get out of the shower and put it on and tell him that Secret is "strong enough for a man, but made for a woman". Well, he would always say "armpits please" so we bought him a trial size of Axe deodorant and he loves it. Each time he gets out of the shower he puts it on!

At least our child won't be the one with body odor.
Warning to all parents, Axe may cause excessive flirting!


Janine said...

Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! But at least it's a GOOD grown up habit he's adopting. =)

{Rollins Family} said...

ha ha ha.
i love dimitri mwhat a character!!

*i'm scared i'll need a 'leash' one day to...i don't want it but i'm sure i'll need it!! (and will get it)

Stephanie said...

oh wow...what a little stud already!