You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To swing or not to swing...

Yesterday, the weather was gorgeous! I thought I would get outside before the rain and/or snow picked back up and clean the backyard. You know the saying, March comes in like a lion out like a lamb! Well, I thought that since I was out there I would put all the swings back on the swing set since the weather is getting nice. I am now contemplating if I made the right decision. Dimitri is big enough to open our sliding glass door and go outside as he pleases. This morning Cicily put the extra lock on (which Dimitri cannot reach) but I took it off to give the dogs food and water. I forgot to put the lock back on the door and when I looked outside I saw this.


As you can see Dimitri is still in his pajamas. He did not put a jacket on and his slippers are next to the swing set instead of on his feet, I guess he wasn't getting enough traction with them on.

That's OUR boy!

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