You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dinner with family

Last night we had dinner at the Miller house aka Grandma Rena, Grandpa Alex, Audrey and Goomba. As always, the dinner was delicious (this time we had Mexican food). We can't tell you how nice it is to have a glass of wine and have dinner with family. After dinner the boys were lucky enough to open Christmas presents early.

Zachary loves anything to do with balls and cars and he got both. The baseball kit was a "HOME RUN" and Zachary crawls along the floor pushing his cars. We think his favorite car number is the #1 since it makes a rattle noise when he shakes it.

Dimitri LOVES his bulldozer and blocks and has spent the majority of the morning building and then watching the blocks crash all around him. With a little giggle in his voice he says, "again...again".

We also found out that Dimitri wants a kitty. He loved "Nezzi" (lets hope we spelled that right). We joked around all night the boys needed a kitty for Christmas! IT IS A JOKE!
Family rule: Our boys are NOT allowed to have any animals with a heartbeat as a GIFT (without written authorization from both parents).
Tonight we would like to thank the Miller family. Thank you for a FABULOUS dinner, GREAT gifts and a PERFECT evening! We look forward to doing it again!.

We love you guys!

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