You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today, Tomorrow & Yesterday...

Today, at nap time we decided to "test" to see if Zachary was ready to move to a big boy bed. It was a SUCCESS! Zachary got out of bed four times and then went right to sleep! Tomorrow, Zachary will turn 18 months old. It is hard to believe our little boy is growing up so fast.
Here are pictures of today:

Who knows what tomorrow may bring?

And here is a picture of "yesterday"...
This picture was taken the night Zachary was born from my cell phone. He was hooked up to a monitor to observe his breathing as he struggled a little bit because of being born three weeks early. I would go down and sit in the nursery and talk to him since we could not remove him because of the monitors. He was bruised and battered from head to toe. You can see the bruising on his forehead, arms and he had a broken clavicle! Look, at those cheeks! In this picture he looks so big but looking back he was so small, only 8lbs 2 oz compared to the little man he is becoming.
WE are BLESSED to witness another milestone in his life!


{Rollins Family} said...

he really does look like a CHUNK...cute!

Get this...someone in my ward had a baby on thursay, which was 1 week overdue.
The ultrasound said it was a boy but it came out a girl, thats not the shocker though, she was 11lbs 15oz and 34 inches long...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!???
Looking at Zachary make me realize how big that really is. WOW!

{Rollins Family} said...

ha ha ha. 24 inches long, but still!!