You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Our 4th of July...

Our holiday started of with a bang.

I got pulled over for speeding. Yes, that's right apparently I was going 49 miles an hour in a 30. Lucky for me the officer said he was going to give me a ticket but his printer wasn't working. Whew...that is the last thing I needed. Those of you who know me know that I always have bad luck on holidays.

After the "Cops" moment it was off to the Sharp's house for a BBQ and fireworks. We did a cake walk and the boys made off like bandits with all the prizes.

Zachary won a Toy Story snack.
Mommy is hoping that standing by Zachary will bring her some luck.
It did! Zachary is Mommy's lucky charm, they both won a package of brownies.
Zachary was very excited.

Dimitri won a piece of cake, look at that smile. Between the Toy Story candy, bubbles, stuffed animals, cupcakes, etc... we think that the boys made a stealing.

Mommy and Zachary enjoying the snakes.

First, look how high the basketball net is compared to Dimitri. He shoots.....

SCORE...nothing but net.

Mommy and Dimitri share a moment.

Happy 4th of July!

1 comment:

Marco Iliev said...

Hej till er alla!
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